Big Sky is an American crime drama television series created by David E. Kelley based on the book The Highway by C.J. Box. The series follows two private detectives, Cassie Dewell and Jenny Hoyt, as they team up with a former police officer, Cody Hoyt, to find the two sisters kidnapped by a truck driver. The series premiered on November 17, 2020, on ABC.
The cast of Big Sky includes some of the most talented actors and actresses working on television today. From veteran stars to rising stars, the cast of Big Sky has something for everyone. Read on to learn more about each cast member.
Kylie Bunbury as Cassie Dewell
Kylie Bunbury stars as Cassie Dewell, a former detective with the Montana Highway Patrol. A strong-willed and determined woman, Cassie has a mission to solve the disappearance of two sisters. She teams up with private detectives Cody and Jenny Hoyt to find the missing girls.
Bunbury is best known for her role as Lacey Porter in the Fox series Pitch. She has also appeared in the films The Sitter and Get Out. She is a rising star in Hollywood, and her performance in Big Sky is sure to make her a household name.
Katheryn Winnick as Jenny Hoyt
Katheryn Winnick stars as Jenny Hoyt, a private detective, and Cody’s ex-wife. She is a tough and savvy woman determined to help find the missing girls. She is a talented investigator and can often find the clues that lead them to the truth.
Winnick is best known for her role as Lagertha in the History Channel series Vikings. She has also appeared in the films Cold Pursuit and The Dark Tower. She is a veteran actress who always brings her A-game to her performances.
Ryan Phillippe as Cody Hoyt
Ryan Phillippe stars as Cody Hoyt, a former police officer who is now a private investigator. He is a recovering alcoholic determined to redeem himself and help find the missing girls. He is a master of deception and can often use his skills to uncover the truth.
Phillippe is best known for his roles in the films Cruel Intentions and I Know What You Did Last Summer. He is a celebrated actor who brings a level of intensity to his performances that is unmatched.
Brian Geraghty as Ronald Pergman
Brian Geraghty stars as Ronald Pergman, the truck driver who kidnaps the two sisters. A mysterious and dangerous man, he is the series’ main antagonist. He is a master of manipulation and is determined to keep the truth hidden.
Geraghty is best known for his roles in the films Flags of Our Fathers and The Hurt Locker. He is an experienced actor who always brings intensity to his performances.
Big Sky is an intense crime drama that follows two private detectives, Cassie Dewell and Jenny Hoyt, as they team up with former police officer Cody Hoyt to investigate the disappearance of two sisters. The trio must race against time to find the missing girls, but they soon realize their suspect is a dangerous and manipulative truck driver. With twists and turns at every corner, Big Sky is a thrilling ride that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
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