The Japanese sci-fi comedy series Assassination Classroom was written and illustrated by Yusei Matsui. In later tears, a live-action film was announced for March 2015. The initial season of the TV animated series based on the manga premiered on Fuji TV on January 9, 2015, while the second and concluding season of the series was produced by Lerche and directed by Seiji Kishi and aired between January 7, 2016, and June 30, 2016, and also was simulcast by Funimation. Both seasons had 47 sci-fi, action, and comedy-filled episodes that provided excellent entertainment to viewers due to their exciting plot, storyline, and comedic atmosphere.
Assassination Classroom is a good series, as evidenced by the number of awards it has received around the world. Some of these include being ranked #1 in “Nationwide Bookstore Employees’ Recommended Comics” by the Honya Club website in 2013, being nominated for the Best U.S. Edition of International Material Asia in the 2016 Eisner Award, and in anime Japan Academy Award for Newcomer of the Year, and also being named one of the best anime of the 2010s by Polygon in November 2019. All of this just goes to show how good it is in terms of the acknowledgment it received and its popularity, which gained an enormous amount of global fans, making it an excellent anime series.
Audiences worldwide absolutely adore this show for some reasons, including how many life lessons the characters in the plot teach us or the principles it tries to convey. These life lessons are somewhat relevant and may be applied in real life, where we often realize what the series is trying to educate us more fully than we had anticipated. This is due to the series’ impressive use of insightful life lessons, which gives viewers the heartening impression that they will retain these lessons long after watching. As a result, the series provides excellent entertainment and teaches audiences valuable life lessons.
Below are the top 10 best insightful life lessons from Assassination Classroom:
- Believe in Yourself
One of the series’ essential life teachings is the importance of believing in oneself. Koro Sensei (Jun Fukuyama) wanted to instill in his students the idea that no matter how difficult a challenge may seem, they can still complete it if they have self-belief because then they will have an optimistic approach toward fulfilling it. We may overcome self-doubt and be assured of acting and completing tasks when we believe in ourselves. Being self-assured also entails relying on oneself to carry out expectations and having confidence that the results of one’s efforts will be as desired. - Be True to Yourself
The second life lesson is to always be true to yourself. Being true to yourself is crucial. For example, Kanzaki Yukiyo used to worry a lot about how other people perceived her, which caused her to constantly doubt herself and act differently from who she really was. This is a very bad trait. Instead, we must be genuine to who we are within ourselves since being true to ourselves means we wouldn’t worry about living up to the expectations of others or according to their principles. This means that no one else can advise you on how to be authentically you, which can be a positive thing since you live and behave as your actual self. - Learn From Your Mistakes
The third life lesson in the series is to learn from your mistakes. The characters in the series make many mistakes, like catching Koro-Sensei. Still, they also learn from those mistakes and eventually improve, making them significant in their lives. Therefore, learning from our mistakes is crucial because we all make mistakes, and while the weight of the past may be heavy, it is better to let it go than to carry a grudge against it. By learning from our mistakes, we can avoid making the same mistakes in the future and develop as a person, which will help us perform better. - Everyone has Strengths
The fourth life lesson in the series is that everyone has strengths. People could think they are bad at everything they try, but they don’t realize that each person has specific talents that make them stand out. With regard to the story and the characters, it is clear that Koro Sensei recognized the students’ strengths. As a result, the students understand that they genuinely have something to be proud of and may use it to their advantage. Compared to real-life situations, even if we believe we have no strengths, it is important to try to identify our strengths rather than compare them to others because each person is special in their own way, and your strengths may be their weaknesses. - Address Your Weaknesses
The fifth life lesson in the series is to address your weaknesses. Since it typically requires an acknowledgment of weakness for a character to fully develop, such as the story’s characters have chosen to focus on addressing their shortcomings. Focusing on your areas of weakness reduces your self-assurance, optimism, and performance as a whole. Therefore, addressing these areas of weakness and responding appropriately is crucial because they are part of personal development and can be in a position where one might consider turning their weaknesses into strengths in the future, which can ultimately benefit oneself. - Anyone Can Succeed, As Long as They Keep Moving Forward
Anyone can succeed as long as they keep moving forward, is the 6th life lesson in the series. These are true because by relating to the story, we can see that no matter the situation, the characters can succeed as long as they stick with what they believe is good and are consistent. Although there are many distinct socioeconomic classes in the world, this does not affect success in real life because each person’s growth is unique, and every person is capable of doing things as well as or better than the other, making it equality and success only applies to those who are actually good and consistent. - Arrogance Can Lead to Downfall
The seventh life lesson in the series is that arrogance can lead to downfall. This illustrates how arrogance may genuinely lead to demise because whatever confidence we have, we should not allow it to consume us whole, as we may assume we are always correct. This leads to erroneous assumptions, increasing the likelihood of encountering mistakes. Instead, we should try to maintain an open mind rather than believing that our approach is the only way to avoid falling into our downfall. Instead, we should learn about and be aware of anything that might happen. - Maximizing Your Strengths is Key to Success
Maximizing your strengths is key to success is the 8th life lesson in the series. In the story, we can see how Koro Sensei recognized each person’s strengths, and they independently decided to take advantage of this to their competitive edge. This is crucial because when we perform towards our strengths, we do things that come naturally to us. As a result, we can pick things up fast, get things accomplished, and achieve our objectives quickly and effectively, ultimately leading to greater prosperity. Additionally, it helps us become more self-aware, which can help us recognize qualities in ourselves that we had previously overlooked and assist us in using our strengths more effectively so that they aren’t wasted on things that won’t help us succeed. - Confidence is Built on a Foundation of Backup Plans
The ninth life lesson is that confidence is built on a foundation of backup plans. This is factual because, in the story, we can see how Koro Sensei and his students gradually learned to adapt to have confidence because of each mind-bending backup plan, where they are not afraid to fail in their first plans because they have the upper hand in a difficult situation. This is significant since keeping a backup plan allows you to be adaptable and prepares you for unforeseen circumstances. By adding more strategies to your situation, you’ll develop a strong determination to succeed and train yourself to adjust to any situation swiftly. - Talent is Earned; It is Not Given
The final life lesson in the series is talent is earned; it is not given. In the story, even though all of the students are in the same situation, we can see that each one has a special talent they all take for granted. This talent is not something they were born with; rather, it is something they have worked hard to develop over a long period of time out of passion and perseverance. This merely indicates that we are all geniuses, that we all possess a gift that was not bestowed upon us at birth but rather was acquired through our own efforts and life experiences, which positively distinguishes us from others.
Overall, the show is fantastic since it effectively portrays action-comedy-filled episodes and successfully creates an exciting atmosphere. The show excels in terms of storyline, animation, and well-written characters. In addition to being incredibly relatable and providing the show a great balance, the series’ theme and thoughts about life lessons are also significant contributors to its success. Lastly, it’s amazing, as shown by the numerous awards it received and the vast popularity it attracted, making this series a true delight to many viewers because it offers top-notch entertainment paired with insightful life lessons.
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