“Alternative Therapy,” also known as “Terapia Alternativa,” is an Argentine dramedy that focuses on the professional life of Selva, an eccentric relationship counselor known for her unorthodox therapy sessions. The series delves into Selva’s attempts to assist a young couple, Elías and Malena, who seek her guidance on how to separate. This unusual request challenges Selva, pushing her to explore beyond her conventional methods and leading to a series of unconventional and boundary-pushing endeavors to help the couple.
How to watch Alternative Therapy Season 2 in Australia on Hulu
Here is the answer in 5 easy steps:
- Subscribe to ExpressVPN
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- Open Hulu website, then log in or sign up for a new account.
- You can watch Alternative Therapy Season 2 in Australia now!
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With ExpressVPN, you get more than just access to a specific movie or series. You’re getting a tool that helps you watch lots of content blocked in your area. This means you and your family will enjoy more benefits over time. Plus, the VPN service offers other perks like fixing connection issues, improving access, and even making your internet faster.
Alternative Therapy Season 2 Synopsis
What is Terapia Alternativa Season 2 about?
In the heart of Alternative Therapy, Selva stands as a beacon of unconventional wisdom. Her therapy sessions, far from ordinary, delve deep into the emotional labyrinth of her clients. When Elías and Malena, entangled in their love yet seeking separation, step into her realm, the series takes a profound turn. Their journey, under Selva’s guidance, transforms from a quest for an end into an exploration of beginnings. Alternative Therapy is not just a series; it’s an introspective voyage into the complexities of relationships, the pain of letting go, and the courage to embrace change. With every session, Selva challenges not only her clients but also the viewers, to rethink the essence of connection and the paths to emotional liberation.
When does Alternative Therapy Season 2 premiere?
Terapia Alternativa Season 2 Release Date
The second season of ‘Alternative Therapy’ airs on February 28, 2024, on Hulu and its Disney Bundle in the US, and on Disney+ in many countries like Australia, the UK, Canada, New Zealand.
Alternative Therapy Season 2 Cast
Who is in the cast of Terapia Alternativa Season 2?
- Carla Peterson as Selva.
- Eugenia Suárez as Malena.
- Benjamín Vicuña as Elías.
- Fernán Mirás as Alex.
- Julieta Cardinali as Eliana.
- Gustavo Garzón as Gervasio.
- Cristina Valenzuela as Gisela.
- Marcelo Michinaux as Ramón, Daniel Cabot as Miguel Ángel
How many episodes does Terapia Alternativa Season 2 have?
Season 2 of ‘Alternative Therapy’ consists of seven episodes.
Alternative Therapy Season 2 Episode Guide
- Ningun Monstruo – February 28, 2024
- Selva graduates as a psychologist, and her family, Gloria and Ariel, have organized a celebration for her in the town.
- Una Mesa Con Dos Patas – February 28, 2024
- During a gynecological appointment, Selva is informed about her potential onset of menopause.
- La Soberana – February 28, 2024
- Selva and Ariel experience an unsuccessful reunion. Afterwards, Miguel Ángel confides in Selva that he is dating someone named Grisel, who has proposed they move in together, leaving him conflicted.
- Tenis De Dobles – February 28, 2024
- Martha asks Selva to talk to her uncle and persuade him not to give his surname to her. Later, Darío has a session with Selva and shares that he had a reunion with Amadeo.
- Expedicion Al Tigre – February 28, 2024
- Selva travels to the Delta with a spiritualism group but ends up arguing with everyone. Following this, Octavio expels her, and she undergoes a revealing experience. She returns and is accepted back into the group.
- No Tan Serena – February 28, 2024
- Selva dreams that she and Malena are pregnant. During a session, Serena shares the continuation of the story between her, Darío, and Amadeo following their last session.
- Que Hable Ahora O Calle Para Siempre – February 28, 2024
- Selva’s return to Grace’s program is completely unexpected. Later, she announces to Darío and Serena that they are going out, not mentioning that it will be to Amadeo’s wedding.
Where to watch Alternative Therapy Season 2 in Australia?
Alternative Therapy season 2 is available to stream on Disney+ in Australia. Americans abroad can still stream Alternative Therapy season 2 on Hulu using a VPN like ExpressVPN.
How can I watch Alternative Therapy Season 2 in Australia?
To watch Alternative Therapy season 2 in Australia, subscribe to Disney+. Then, you can watch Alternative Therapy season 2 in Australia on Disney+. Americans traveling outside the US can access the show on Hulu using a secure VPN like ExpressVPN to bypass geo-restrictions and stream Hulu from Australia.
Why to Watch Alternative Therapy Season 2
- Innovative Narrative: The series introduces viewers to Selva, an eccentric therapist whose unorthodox methods offer a fresh perspective on therapy and personal growth. Her approach to dealing with her clients’ issues is both enlightening and entertaining, making for a truly unique viewing experience.
- Deep Emotional Engagement: Alternative Therapy dives deep into the emotional landscapes of its characters, presenting their struggles, triumphs, and transformations in a way that resonates with the audience. It’s a heartfelt exploration of the human condition.
- Stellar Cast: The series boasts a talented cast whose performances bring depth and authenticity to their roles. Their portrayal of complex characters and relationships adds a rich layer to the narrative.
- Visual and Emotional Aesthetics: The series is not only a feast for the eyes with its cinematography but also for the soul with its poignant storytelling. It masterfully balances drama and comedy, ensuring an engaging watch from start to finish.
Alternative Therapy Season 2 Trailer
Here is the trailer.
Terapia Alternativa Season 2 FAQ
- Can I stream Alternative Therapy on Netflix?
Currently, Alternative Therapy is not available on Netflix. It’s exclusively streaming on Disney Plus Hotstar. - Is Alternative Therapy suitable for all ages?
Alternative Therapy is best suited for adult audiences, given its themes and narrative complexity.
Watch Terapia Alternativa Season 2 Online in Australia
Viewers in Australia can watch ‘Alternative Therapy season 2‘ streaming on the Disney+ website and app. Americans abroad can catch all episodes of Alternative Therapy season 2 on Hulu by using a premium VPN like ExpressVPN to connect to a US-based server and change their virtual location.
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